Specialist Designs

Specialist Designs

The pieces in this series are inspired by the works of well-known artists, both contemporary such as Klimt or Van Gogh, as well as throughout history. We also look for inspiration in works where design is important. Of course, we welcome any suggestions from our clients, as you are the ones who will enjoy these works of art.



Klimt, Specialist


Klimt, Specialist


Klimt, Specialist


About BarroAzul

BarroAzul was founded by Paula Felizón (Anthropologist and Ceramist) and Antonio Librero (Art Historian and Cultural Manager) who, from the distinct perspectives of their disciplines, have been working in the world of ceramics for years. After collaborating as documentalists at the Ceramics Centre of Triana, they decided to share their knowledge with visitors of Triana. 

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